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When things should be over.

When things should be over between that job that kills your potential to be that best employee that you can be, remember how hard you prayed for the employers to set you an interview and hire you. Remember how good it feels to tick off your to-do list while aiming for that career growth. If it is really what you want as a career then give a good sigh and then go on.

When things should be over with that over weight body of yours, then you should be motivated enought to be healthy. Healthy in all aspects of your life. You will be committed in the beauty of discipline in keeping your calorie intake balanced, exercising, avoiding vices, and in choosing healthy thoughts over desastrous ones.

When things should be over with that toxic friend, then cut it off. You don’t need that source of drama in your life. If all he/she sees are issues that are way too petty to begin with then run far away. This is on top of advices if the friendship involves financial dependency. If that “friend” uses you for him/her to borrow money from you and forgets the payment details? Then cut some strings.



When things should be over with the one you love, then think again if being apart from him/her would be the best solution. Like if this involves cheating honey, R U N! Or if this is on the verge of physical abuse and other red flags. But if you have issues that you keep on fighting about to the point that all you see is the ugly phase of your love, think quite long. Assess if the issues are worth the time. If you feel that love is the only thing that keeps you together then stay. I personally believe that love is such a powerful drive to change people for the better. That love is a force apart from the wonders of Science that shapes an indivudal to be an infectious source of encouragement, belief, inspiration, forgiveness, and resilience. If choosing that person over and over again is the best part of the day, then hold on. If you lose the illusion of that person to be the perfect-the-one and all you see are fragments of broken self, then be gentle in picking him/her beacuse you might get wounded too. Help in rebuilding. Nurture in healing. Stretch every ounce of patience that you have because one day, it will all make sense. One day, that person will thank you for staying and for being his/her best support through all the things you both went through . Stay. Please stay and always choose the proper action for the ‘I love you’ that always tell him/her about.











Teñere. Resilient. MD dreamer. Exodus 14:14

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